Friday, April 5, 2019

8 Foolproof Ways To Stay Positive!

Photo Credit: Avery Spencer
  1. Do more of the things you love! Endorphins (hormones in our bodies that when released, provide to us a "happy" feeling), are produced in many ways. Some of those ways are by doing more of the things that we actually love to do! That feeling of pure joy you get when you're ______ is your bodies way of telling you that it is pleased. Do more of that.
  2. Keep a daily Gratitude journal. It doesn't have to be long and drawn out. Maybe a few sentences. But do this everyday, around the same time if you can. It will become habit for you. Soon, you won't even need to write it down. You will have trained your  mind to find the joy in everything. You'd be surprised at how when you give Source gratitude, you recieve more than what you've even asked for. 
  3. Spend time with people who make you happy. This is essential to our self-care and positive mental health. Spending time with our loved ones, even people we just really like a lot, allows us to be comfortable and free. If that's not a positive feeling than I don't know what else is.
  4. Identify negative self-speak and replace those thoughts with positive ones. It's normal to have self-doubt or even deprecating thoughts from time to time. But to experience this continuously is unhealthy and detrimental to your mental health. Train your brain to replace anything negative with something positive. Even if you don't believe it- at first. This will help you identify and correct self-harming speak.
  5. Don't constantly re-visit the past. Life goes on so live in the moment! Find happiness in the situations and things around you in the present. It is the only thing that you have control over, don't waste today fretting over yesterday.
  6. Set short-term attainable goals. One of the best feelings is to accomplish something that you've been really working hard on! There is a sense of happiness and pride that comes with a finished product, site, establishment, and so forth. Set a goal that you've been wanting to do and haven't made the time. Make it realistic and attainable so that you've got something to look forward to. 
  7. Meditate. Take a moment to clear your mind. Rid yourself from all outside distractions and noises and take some time to get to know yourself. If only for a few minutes a day, or night, give your mind a rest. You deserve it. You'll feel much better during and after the fact. There are even apps that help you if you don't know where to start.
  8. Get a hobby. Find something to do that you enjoy and do it on a regular basis. Join a club, league, guild, something. Do this with friends or make new ones in the process. You're bound to be around like-minded people who just may have a little more positivity to bring into your life!

This post is sponsored by: Pretty Girl Hair Factory

Avery Spencer is a proud supporter of CBD INFO Centric

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